
Spaco - Finally giving audiophiles something to be excited about! The home theater system of the future.

I was born in the early 80s and consequently, most of my childhood memories are of the 90s. I remember rummaging through thrift stores looking for the best entertainment system and speaker system I could get. I was not the only one. CDs really took off in the 90s and all of a sudden everyone was doing all they could to make music sound great. Stereo systems were built will multiple speakers and all my friends were talking about their huge sub-woofers and amazing tweeters.

Fast forward to the 2016 and the only thing I seem to notice now are TVs. Every year TVs get bigger and bigger while also getting flatter and flatter. And what amazing sound system do people get for these huge TVs? Nada. No one even bothers anymore to get an amazing stereo system. Why is that you might think? I propose that it is because no one has really anything to get excited about.

Until now.
AWSY has created the Spaco home theater system that if it sounds half as good as it looks, will likely knock the socks off of anyone. I mean; this is a sounds system that has levitating speakers. LEVITATING SPEAKERS! How many levitating speakers have you already seen? Zero. That is how many. People just don't have levitating speakers yet.

Not only does this system have levitating speakers, but it has a full color smart light system, hands free voice control, whole-home WiFi, and has true 360 omnidirectional sound.

This is a home theater system that reminds me of growing up when people were excited to just sit down, close their eyes, and listen to music. It brings back the day when friends went to other friends homes just to check out their speaker system.

I can tell you one thing for sure. If I had this speaker system, I would be inviting everyone over!

The Spaco theater system is not yet available, but I will post updates on its progress. In the meantime, enjoy this video that showcases the many features of the Spaco home theater system.

For more information you can also visit the ASWY website.

About McKay


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