
One Million Views - A Tutorial Geek Milestone

While one million views for a website is nothing too special, 10 or 100 million views probably will not come for a very long time (if ever), so I decided I would spend a moment to reflect a bit on my blog and point out some interesting (to me) statistics.

I started my blog around the end of 2010. It is now the end of 2013. Tutorial Geek is roughly 3 years old.

Viewing Statistics:
After the first few months or so, I began averaging about 1000 view per day. This has not changed much. The average is now probably more like 1200 per day. Weekdays seem to get quite a bit more hits than weekends.

I have mentioned before in previous blog posts how I don't think blogging full time would be a very profitable. Roughly, every 1000 visitors will get you about $1. That means if you want to blog full time and make at least $20,000/year, you would need to get more than 54,800 visits to your website every day. That is not a small number. The most views I have had in an entire month is far less than that.

Popular Posts:
Originally this blog was designed to help me improve my graphic design skills. It has morphed into various tutorials and information. I have found that the most popular posts are not what are the best, but usually what is most interesting to a broader range of people. Perhaps that is why celebrity blogs do so well.

At any rate, this is mostly just interesting to me. If you are reading this though, thanks for reading my blog! I have enjoyed writing articles for my blog and hope wherever I end up in life, I can always continue to make random tutorials.

About McKay


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