
Best way to send out mass texts using your Android phone

UPDATE: The Mass Text App has had a major update. You can see the review I did on the app here, or just download the new app from the Google Play Store.

There are many Android apps that let you send out mass texts (even the default message app lets you do that). The problem is when you want to send out a mass text repeatedly to the same group of people or when you want to send out a text for a recurring event.

There is a new app that does just this. The app is called Mass Text (download at the Google Play store). (New Version) The nice thing about this app is that you can create groups of contacts and templates with variables.

Let's suppose for a minute that a few times each month you have a movie night where you invite a group of friends over to watch a movie with you.

First you will create a new group. Add all the friends you want to come over and see a movie.

Once you have created a group, you can create a message template. For example, you can write a message like "Hey dude, come over at 6:30 for a movie." The great thing about this app is that it allows you to create variables. Rather than saying "dude," you can have a variable for your contact's name. You can also set a variable for time since it will probably change. When you go to send out your message, the app will ask you what you want to set for the time.

Once you have set the time variable it will allow you to send out your message after verifying the message is how you want it.

This is nice because it allows a group message that is a little more personal. People like seeing their names and when a text like this is sent, they might think that you wrote to them individually (having recently graduated from college, there is a big difference in the probability of me going somewhere if I get a mass text rather than someone just sending me a message).

Try out the app! Here is the Google play store link. (New Version)

About McKay


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  3. Author, thanks for the useful information! I haven't tried previously such a way, think it will be more convenient that the service i use now... allowing to sent sms only from web interface But my question is, whether it's better to purchase a separate number for such aims? If there where cases of blocking the mobile number because of spam?

  4. Hi All!

    If there are developers here among the readers, I wanted to ask if someone had the experience in coding such and app and connecting it to be able to send sms, make international calls?

    My team now is developing such and app and we are connecting a web, mobile, desktop software (app) to VoIP to provide international conversations (like those well-known apps as Viber, Skype, What’s up) but our is just for corporate usage. The question is how to launch it to VoIP? We tried to launch here Maybe you know other ways?

    Thanks in advance!


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